Coworking Members Agreement
This membership agreement is intentionally short, clear and concise. Here is the long and skinny of the agreement between you “the member” and us “The Trading Post”.
The Trading Post will:
- Provide Coworking access during the hours specified in the plan of the members’ choice
- Provide WiFi access with a minimum download of 80Mbps
- Provide electricity points, desk space and chairs
- Provide tea, coffee and squash
- Provide a professional mailing address (maximum of 2 companies/names per member – excludes registered addresses for legal documents.)
As a member, you will:
- Pay your membership fee within 7 days of the beginning of each month.
- Leave The Trading Post how you found it. Clean up after yourself and any of your guests. All rubbish must be in the bin, and any items used must be cleaned, dried and put away.
- Accept all responsibility for your own possessions whilst using The Trading Post.
- Not bring in more than 2 guests at any time without first consulting a community manager.
- Not bring in guests to work at a desk alongside you unless they have pre-booked in advance via email and had confirmation in writing. Meetings should take place in the meeting rooms, chill out areas or in the eatery.
- Not bring in guests when staff are not present. If you’re unsure, please speak with a community manager beforehand.
- Avoid creating distractions or noise beyond that in line with professional working. Calls and meetings are totally OK – watching videos or blasting music out loud without headphones is not cool.
- Stick to our fair use printing policy and avoid wasting paper; normal business use is fine – printing batches of flyers is not.
- Not use the internet access or space for illegal activities – we may have to pass this onto the correct authorities when required.
- Not enter the space outside of your membership’s access times or bring friends or guests into the space when The Trading Post staff are not present.
- Avoid using profanity, name calling or creating ‘school yard’ issues – we are all grown-ups after all.
- You will not share your unique Member’s only WiFi access codes to anyone else. If your guests require internet access, they can only connect to the Guest Network. A community manager will be able to provide access codes via email.
- Your membership is not transferable to other people. Only named members may use the space. If you are unsure please speak to a community manager.
- If you do need to suspend or cancel your membership you must inform us at least 7 working days before your membership renews – otherwise we can only offer credit and not a refund.
- Not leave doors open on purpose or allow other people into The Trading Post. Every member is issued with a door fob. Every visitor should report to reception first.
- Inform us if your door access fob has been misplaced or stolen. We wont get mad, we just need to block the fob to avoid any issues.
- Not remove any The Trading Post items (including consumables supplied for use whilst at The Trading Post) from site at any time without prior permission from The Trading Post staff. Anyone found removing any items for use only whilst at The Trading Post will have their membership cancelled immediately
- Not take any The Trading Post items and store them for themselves in other locations (including lockers). Communal items are for all members and those found removing access for other members may have their membership cancelled if they continue to do so after a warning.
Membership Price Review
- Prices shown on our website are honoured for at least 6 months from initial sign up unless otherwise agreed in writing at time of signing up by the manager or owners of The Trading Post.
- Prices will be reviewed annually and any changes made on the 1st of April of each year.
- The Trading Post will inform any member with price changes by email at least 2 months prior to any changes to their memberships.
- Members will never pay more than the price listed on our website for the same plan as they have. This excludes any extras or features they may have in addition to their original plans.
- The Trading Post also have the right to review prices at any time due to operational reasons beyond their control. The Trading Post will inform members of any prices changes at the time and give two months notice prior to any changes.
- Members accept any price changes that have been sent via email about by default. If a member does not wish to continue their plan after the price increase, they will be required to provide their notice of cancellation of their membership as per the standard cancellation terms listed above.
More nitty gritty
- Sometimes things happen out of our control such as power cuts, emergencies, national shut down of spaces due to worldwide pandemics. We will work with you to fix the problem as quickly as possible.
- Unused days do not roll over. To keep our costs low we do not count each members usage but trust people to not abuse that trust. We cannot offer refunds if you do not use your membership.
- Each membership plans runs at one calendar month at a time. We are unable to suspend or offer reductions for small breaks. If you require a suspension for a period of time, this can be requested however your return may be delayed based on the number of members and any waiting lists in place at the time of your requested return.
- We may, from time to time, need to close certain areas for various reasons (electrical testing, maintenance, cleaning, etc). We will give you notice and accommodate you as best as we can in another area if possible
- We really want to trust people and believe that everyone is honest. Our cancellation period is at least 7 working days before the start of the next billing period (1st of every month at 12:00am). We haven’t ambiguously chosen this timeframe, it is how long it takes to stop a Direct Debit from being processed. If you don’t provide notice to cancel, and bail out on paying, we may have to collect those fees another way. By joining and signing up as members, you are agreeing to these terms and understand that failure to pay can result in legal action being taken.
- Studio Office Pods – You have another legal document to sign due to nature of having a more fixed space. Some have felt it is OK to hang pictures or damage walls. Speak to us. Work with us. We want you to feel at home but we do need it in writing and to give consent first. Again – you agree to pay for any damage caused whilst using The Trading Post outside of normal wear and tear.
- We reserve the right to cancel anyones membership. It has to be pretty serious or persistent breaches of our membership. We don’t kick people out for sake of it. But at same time we are a community space and need to ensure we are doing what is right for everyone.
- In the event of a failed payment we reserve the right to charge you an administration fee for re-processing.
- We may or may not offer rewards or offers. When we do – we will post the terms and conditions on this site. We have the right to withdraw rewards or offers at any time but will give notice as that is only fair. Amount of notice depends on the reward or offer but that will be included with the specific terms and conditions.
- When we say professional business address – this excludes registering your business here for any legal reasons. This includes but is not limited to: ‘HRMC’, ‘Companies House’ or the ‘DVLA’. As a short term membership – the above requires long term lease agreements or properties such as home addresses, properties you own or lease for a long period of time or sometimes an accountants if they allow it.
- If you have keys or alarm codes for an office or special area at The Trading Post, and do not return them when requested, you agree to pay to have the locks changed, along with cost to have any keys relating to the lock recut, and also for any alarm servicing to take place to deactivate your fob or code. The cost depends on what is not returned.
- Not watch live TV or access any BBC owned content if you do not have a personal licence. If you wish to access BBC content via iPlayer or watch live TV, you must unplug from The Trading Post’s power sockets. The Trading Post does not have a TV licence and does not allow live TV or BBC iPlayer content to used whilst any devices are plugged into resources at the Trading Post.